Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force

Members of the Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force were appointed to identify opportunities that will support long-term financial sustainability for UC Davis.

The goal of the task force was to identify efficiencies and revenue generating activities that help address the core fund operating deficit, resulting in at least $50 million in ongoing net revenue and/or savings that can be applied to the campus core mission within 3-7 years.

Task Force Charge 

  • Identify ideas for how UC Davis can increase net revenue generation or achieve institutional savings. Ideas should be gathered through broad campus outreach as well as research on opportunities or approaches in higher education generally. 
  • Assist in reviewing and analyzing the ideas gathered in a systematic way to identify the most promising opportunities for the campus to pursue.  
  • Recommend specific actionable net revenue generating opportunities that are sustainable for ongoing financial impact, can support the core mission, and are compatible with the strategic plan and campus values. 
  • Recommend ideas that could result in significant savings through efficiencies, changed practices, and/or leveraging all funds to better support our mission. 
  • If identified, recommend ideas that would result in significant one-time net revenue or savings. 
  • Identify barriers or challenges to revenue generation or achieving savings, especially those that involve university practices, polices, or structures.  

Task Force Report to the Provost (PDF)
June 30, 2023 – Read the task force recommendations to Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Mary Croughan. 

Charge Letter to the Task Force (PDF)
May 25, 2022 – Read the task force charge letter from Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Mary Croughan. 


  • Chair

  • Sarah Mangum, Associate Vice Chancellor,  Budget and Institutional Analysis 

  • Members

  • Ralph AldredgeAssociate Dean, College of Engineering 
    Ron Amodeo, Chief Strategy Officer, UC Davis Health 
    Ashwin Aravindakshan, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management 
    Lisa Badovinac, Assistant Dean,  Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing 
    David Block, Professor, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Academic Senate Representative 
    David CookeProfessor and Chief of General Thoracic Surgery, School of Medicine 
    Cristina Davis, Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Research 
    Jasmine Durias BoniteDirector, Graduate Studies 
    Denise Ehlen, Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Research
    Heather Hunter, Senior Associate Athletics Director and Senior Woman Administrator, Intercollegiate Athletics
    Kaylie Kingston, Management Services Officer, School of Veterinary Medicine 
    Timothy Lenoir, Professor, College of Letters and Science 
    Jason Lorgan, Executive Director, Student Affairs
    Steven Lucero,TEAM Laboratory Manager, College of Engineering 
    Sean Lynch, Assistant Dean, Continuing and Professional Education 
    John Marx, Professor, College of Letters and Science/Aggie Square 
    Jonna MazetVice Provost, Grand Challenges; Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine 
    Mary McNally, Executive Assistant Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine 
    Lee Miller, Professor, College of Biological Sciences
    Radhika Prabhu, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Administrative IT,  Finance, Operations and Administration 
    Elissa Roeser, Assistant Dean and Chief of Staff, School of Medicine
    Don Roth, Executive Director, Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts
    Katheryn Russ, Associate Professor, College of Letters and Science
    Jennifer Sang, Executive Assistant Dean, College of Biological Sciences 
    Danielle Shank, Associate Athletics Director, Intercollegiate Athletics 
    Amy Skehan, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Development and Alumni Relations
    Gail Taylor, Professor, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 
    Kate Tweddale, Chief Administrative Officer, College of Letters and Science