In February of 2018, Chancellor Gary S. May established task forces on three areas of vital importance to students — affordable housing, food security and mental health care. Chancellor May asked each task force to review existing programs and options within its assigned topic area, consider improvements and make recommendations.
“These are issues that have tremendous impact on our community,” Chancellor May said upon establishing the task forces. “UC Davis has a great many services and resources available to our students, but it’s not a static landscape."
“How can we continue to provide the resources our students need effectively and efficiently? That’s what I’m asking the task force members to help me determine.”

Task Force on Next Generation Reforms to Advance Campus Safety
The work of the Task Force on Next Generation Reforms to Advance Campus Safety, which was charged with considering the future of the public safety function at UC Davis, is complete. The group submitted its final report, which includes eight recommendations, to Chancellor Gary S. May on June 15. Read the full report and a summary here.