Campus Closed Through Thanksgiving Break
Dear UC Davis Community,
While we had hoped to re-open our Davis and Sacramento campuses on Monday, the air quality forecasts are not showing enough improvement toward the healthy categories. In addition, the Academic Senate leadership has recommended that classes be cancelled Monday through Wednesday. Based on this and other input, we have decided to close both campuses through the Thanksgiving break. The campuses will re-open and classes will resume on Monday, November 26.
In consultation with the Office of the President, our Provost, the Academic Senate and Academic Federation are working on details about how the remaining days of the quarter will be handled. We’ll communicate about that as soon as possible.
The UC Davis hospitals, clinical sites, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, residence halls and Student Health and Wellness Center will remain open. Fire and police services remain open. Additional guidance will be provided later today about how essential and non-essential employees should report to work.
The Butte County fire has taken a horrific toll on many people and communities. The scale of this disaster is unlike anything we’ve seen in Northern California. Many of you have communicated your concern and sorrow, and many of you have found ways to help families recover.
In this season of giving thanks, I hope each of you will consider how you can contribute in meaningful ways to communities, people and animals in need. The Aggie community is a generous one, and for that I’m grateful.
Gary S. May