Chancellor’s Message on Hate Fliers
A message from Chancellor Gary S. May:
As the UC Davis community prepares for a new academic year, we’ve learned that neo-Nazi and white supremacy fliers were found on campus today. Campus police have been notified and are investigating.
We are sickened that any person or group would invest any time in such cowardly acts of hate and intimidation. They have no place here. We encourage our community to stand against anti-Semitism and racism. Our Principles of Community remind us to “strive to build and maintain a culture based on mutual respect and caring.”
If you need support, please reach out to the following:
- Students — Student Health and Counseling Services
- Faculty and staff — Academic and Staff Assistance Program
- Ombuds Office
The safety and well-being of the UC Davis community remains our priority. Thanks for doing your part to foster a campus climate that is welcoming and inclusive.