START Town Hall Jan. 30 and Recommendations Open for Input

START Town Hall Jan. 30 and Recommendations Open for Input

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a restful and renewing holiday season. I invite you to engage with the Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force (START) and look forward to your feedback and participation as our work continues. Included in this letter are details on:
  • START’s Future of Graduate Education Committee town hall – Jan. 30, 2025
  • Deadline extended for feedback on START recommendations – Feb. 21, 2025
  • Recommendation review process

Town Hall

The Future of Graduate Education Committee will host its second town hall at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30. You can register via the link sent to you by email.
The event will be hosted by Professor Emeritus Michael Brown, immediate past systemwide provost and vice president of Academic Affairs for the University of California. The town hall will feature a presentation by the Future of Graduate Education Committee Co-Chairs Jean-Pierre Delplanque, vice provost and dean of Graduate Studies, and Cynthia Schumann, professor in the Department of Cell Biology. They will discuss new recommendations related to increasing master’s degree enrollment and a comprehensive doctoral student career development model. The committee, which recently held a listening session regarding Graduate Groups, will outline ongoing work related to graduate education structure, as well as graduate education funding and graduate program enrollment planning.

You are invited to submit questions for town halls through the feedback form on the START website or by emailing Questions also can be submitted during the town hall. All questions are shared with committee co-chairs and noted for consideration, whether they are asked and answered during the town hall.  
START Recommendations

Nine recommendations from the Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force (START) are open for campus review and input. Many thanks to members of our committees and working groups for the hard work they put into developing solutions. 
Please note the deadline for submitting feedback for the below recommendations has been extended to Friday, Feb. 21, 2025. 
Increasing Our Research Excellence Committee recommendations

Future of Undergraduate Education Committee recommendations
Optimizing Our Facilities Committee recommendations
Review Process

The START recommendation review process is outlined in detail on the START website, but I thought it might be helpful to give you a brief overview. 
Once a working group completes a recommendation, it is submitted to its parent committee, then the START Task Force, then to me. It is only after the recommendation has been reviewed by the START Committee, the full START Task Force, and me that it is shared for review and feedback by the campus community. The campus review process includes sending each recommendation to the Academic Senate, Academic Federation, and Staff Assembly. Moreover, all recommendations are posted on the START website and feedback can be submitted via the online form or by email
I want to emphasize that START’s recommendations are a result of the work of our colleagues from across our campus. I am so grateful to everyone who is volunteering their time to serve as a member of START, from the task force to the committees to the working groups. 
I hope you will take the time to review the recommendations they have put forward and share your feedback, questions, or concerns with us. If you have issues you want to bring to our attention or ideas for other solutions, we welcome those too
Thank you for your engagement and participation in this important effort.

All the best,


Mary Croughan

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

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