UC Diversity Statements and Systemwide Hiring Freeze

UC Diversity Statements and Systemwide Hiring Freeze

Dear Colleagues,

We recognize the concern and uncertainty members of our community are experiencing because of shifting practices and policies. We continue to be committed to sharing information with you as it is available. This letter discusses:
  • Diversity statements
  • Systemwide hiring freeze
  • FAQs
Please see the letter from UC System Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine Newman regarding the University of California Board of Regents’ announcement that the UC system will end the requirement for candidates to submit diversity statements when applying for faculty and faculty administrator positions.

We are also working through details regarding President Drake’s direction to freeze hiring systemwide. Additional information will be forthcoming on this subject. As Chancellor May stated in his recent letter, we will engage in our standard faculty hiring process, though we will likely hire fewer faculty than in recent years.  

Given that many of you have posed specific questions around diversity statements and the hiring freeze, we are compiling FAQs that will be posted on the Academic Affairs website in the coming days. If you have questions, please contact Phil Kass, vice provost of Academic Affairs, at phkass@ucdavis.edu. Human Resources will communicate separately with staff on the same topics.

Thank you for your commitment to this campus and your compassion for one another as we navigate this challenging time together.

All the best,

Mary Croughan
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

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