Funding Salary and Benefit Increases for GSRs and Postdocs
Dear Faculty,
Thank you for your patience as we adjust to the new UAW bargaining unit contracts and changes to compensation. Funding for salary and benefit increases for graduate student researchers, postdoctoral scholars and academic researchers supported on current grants will be a shared responsibility. We are currently developing a process to identify funding, which will be finalized following consultation with Deans Offices, the Office of Research and Academic Senate leadership. Information will be broadly disseminated in the coming weeks.
Importantly, any new grant application submitted must account for the new salary scales and increases specified in the collective bargaining agreement. The Office of Sponsored Programs will provide guidelines on budget development for new grants that take these increases into account as well as any limits or requirements of funding agencies. The Office of Research budget template will be revised to capture guidance and requirements, with PIs required to include anticipated increases in their contract and grant applications submitted on or after February 1, 2023.
Strike-related announcements, including UC systemwide updates and campus-specific information, can still be found on the Academic Affairs website, and you are still able to submit questions to strikequestions@ucdavis.edu.
Again, thank you for your patience and partnership.
All the best,
Mary Croughan
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor