Included below are charge letters, final reports and other documentation related to committees, working groups councils and task forces commissioned by the UC Davis Office of the Provost.
- Student Success and Equitable Outcomes (January 2023)
- Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force (May 2022)
- Year Two Report (2022)
- Strategies for Building Inclusive Excellence (June 2021)
- Writing Center Implementation Group Report (November 2020)
- Closing the Preparation Gap Working Group (March 2019)
- Institutional Data Council (March 2019)
- Veterinary Medicine Central Services Working Group (April 2018)
- Student Retention Advisory Committee Report (June 2017)
- UC Davis Freedom of Expression Working Group Report (May 2017)
- Bioinformatics Task Force Charge Letter (January 2017)
- Letters and Science Visioning Committee (March 2016)
- Data Sciences Working Group Charge Letter (December 2015)
- Advisory Committee on Community-Engaged Scholarship (Fall 2015)
- Chemistry Discovery Complex Program Vision Committee (July 2015)
- The Reorganization of Letters and Science (L&S) Work Group (May 2015)
- Provost Implementation Advisory Committee for Graduate Education (PIACGE) (November 2014)
- PIACGE Implementation Report
- Letter to Vice Provost and Dean Gibeling—Acceptance of PIACGE Report
- Letter to deans, department chairs, program directors, and graduate group chairs—Announcement of PIACGE Report
- Study Group on Accessibility and Affordability (June 2014)
- Joint Academic Senate / Administration Task Force on the Academic Organization of UC Davis (February 2014)
- Letter from the Chancellor and Provost to the College of L&S (May 2014)
- Academic Organization of UC Davis: A White Paper to Spur Conversation (May 2013)
- Request for expressions of interest to serve on a Joint Academic Senate / Provost Task Force on the Academic Organization of UC Davis (May 2013)
- Academic Organization Task Force Report (February 2014)
- Joint Academic Organization Task Force Response (February 2014)
- Joint Academic Senate / Administration Task Force on Analysis of Faculty Salary Equity at UC Davis (November 2013)
- Provost’s Working Group on the Role of the Academic Federation in Achieving the "Vision of Excellence" (May 2013)
- Big Data Implementation Committee (February 2013)
- Provost's Task Forces for the 2020 Initiative (November 2012)
- International Advisory Committee at UC Davis (June 2012)
- In May 2011, the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor established an International Advisory Committee to recommend an overarching strategy for international engagement that will best serve the excellence and mission of UC Davis.
- Final Report
- International Advisory Committee at UC Davis
- Charge Letter
- Provost's Response
- Joint Academic Senate / Administration Special Senate Task Force on Graduate Education at UC Davis (May 2012)
- The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, in partnership with the Chair and Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, hereby establishes a Special Task Force whose primary goal is to recommend ways to advance the excellence, contributions, and vitality of graduate education at UC Davis.
- Final Report
- Joint Administration / Academic Senate Special Task Force on Graduate Education at UC Davis
- Charge Letter
- Public Forum (October 2011)
- Joint Academic Senate/ Administration Task Force on Off-Scale Salaries (February 2012)
- In August 2011, the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor established a Task Force to provide advice and recommendations to the Provost regarding faculty off-scale salaries at UC Davis. The Task Force’s Final Report, completed in February 2012, is available here along with the original charge letter.
- Final Report
- Charge Letter
- Joint Academic Senate / Administration Task Force on Self-Supporting Degree Programs at UC Davis (report submitted January 2012)
- In May 2011, the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor established a Task Force to provide advice and recommendations to the Provost regarding self-supporting degree programs at UC Davis. The Task Force’s Final Report, completed in January 2012, is available here along with earlier documents. (Items are listed in reverse chronological order.)
- Final Report
- Joint Academic Senate/Administration Task Force on Self-Supporting Degree Programs at UC Davis
- Charge Letter
- UC Davis NAGPRA Advisory Committee (June 2011)
- In June 2011, the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor reactivated and reconstituted the campus’s NAGPRA committee—now called the UC Davis NAGPRA Advisory Committee—in order to glean advice and recommendations in light of new regulations of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
- UC Davis NAGPRA Advisory Committee
- Charge Letter
- Task Force on Data Governance