Improving Campus Support Services

Launched in June 2023, the Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force, or START, will assess challenges, prioritize strategies and recommend specific actions to bring about substantive improvements to our education, research and service models, thereby enhancing our ability to fulfill our mission at the highest levels of achievement.

The Improving Campus Support Services Committee will consider opportunities that exist to better leverage existing technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, to identify efficiencies and streamline processes, especially related to administrative and shared support services. They will review research, teaching, and administrative staff support, and examine whether previous consolidations of services have advanced the university’s mission; identify additional opportunities for consolidation; and make recommendations where consolidation has been less effective and should be rolled back.

The committee's members are:

  • Co-Chairs
  • Radhika Prabhu, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Finance, Operations and Administration
    Cheri Ross, Professor and Chair, Comparative Literature
  • Members
  • Peter Brantley, Online Strategy Director, University Library
    Michael Brown (Ex-Officio), Past Provost and Executive Vice President, UC Office of the President
    Briana Desmond, Chief Administrative Officer, College of Letters and Science
    Ryan Dickson, Director, Internal Audit Services
    Raissa D'Souza, Professor and Associate Dean of Research, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science
    Dyana Greene, Chief Administrative Officer, School of Veterinary Medicine
    Tammy Kenber, Chief Human Resources Officer
    Larisa Kure, Executive Assistant Dean, School of Medicine
    Barrett McBride, Manager, Learning and Organizational Development
    Lauren McDiarmid, Past Chair, Staff Assembly
    Brian McEligot, Executive Assistant Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciencs
    Jeremy Phillips, IT Director, College of Letters and Science
    Elizabeth Pontikes, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management
    Pablo Reguerín, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
    Kim Stephens, Project Manager, Finance, Operations and Administration (Staff)
    Blair Stephenson, Associate Vice Chancellor, Finance, Operations and Administration